2 Peter 3:11

King James Version

11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, 

what manner of persons ought ye to be 

in all holy conversation and godliness,

Welcome to this 49th blog -- GODLY men and women.

First, a little story.

I didn't know what to write this morning.

I thought I'd put my room in order.

I thought I had written enough for the week.

Hahaha what a thought.

GOD had other ideas.

His SPIRIT put an idea in my head:

"What does the Bible say about godly men?"

The verse on "bishop" surfaced.

Soon as I researched the "godly men" verses, another idea was planted:

"What does the Bible say about godly women?"

The verses spilled out, too.

I asked GOD then:

"Will there be two separate blogs, on men and women?"

So, He made me check the names for the blog.

What panned out was one blog covering both.

Welcome this 49th blog:

"GODLY men and women"

RIGHT conduct before the LORD

Here are the tabs to click!

2022 articles

2023 articles

2024 articles

2025 articles








Image: Jennifer Murray on Pexels

18 August 2022

(Updated 11 February 2025)